Some people say Network marketing is All About the Money.
It depends on the company you are in and upon the Owners of
the said company.
Network marketing is a business so it concerns money, but if the
company is good enough, it can give other things besides
Is AIM Global any Different?
It depends on the company you are in and upon the Owners of
the said company.
Network marketing is a business so it concerns money, but if the
company is good enough, it can give other things besides
Is AIM Global any Different?
Alliance in Motion Global is not just about earning money for
your own pocket.
your own pocket.
Its major concern is helping people and changing lives.
It gives hope to hopeless people.
It gives inspiration to the uninspired.
It gives health solutions to the sick.
It gives business solutions to the poor.
It gives you a chance to change your life and be a self-made
It gives hope to hopeless people.
It gives inspiration to the uninspired.
It gives health solutions to the sick.
It gives business solutions to the poor.
It gives you a chance to change your life and be a self-made
What makes AIM Global Different?
Other Reasons why Alliance in Motion Global is different from the
Conventional Networking Companies today are its Consistent
Achievements from the date it was Founded.
Conventional Networking Companies today are its Consistent
Achievements from the date it was Founded.
Within Just 7 years (2006 to 2013), Alliance in Motion Global
have expanded to over 10 Countries and Territories Worldwide,
and still growing. Its continuous expansion and growth is
phenomenal amid the deteriorating Philippine Economy.
have expanded to over 10 Countries and Territories Worldwide,
and still growing. Its continuous expansion and growth is
phenomenal amid the deteriorating Philippine Economy.
The Exclusive Products it promotes are Manufactured by the
Best in the Food Supplements Manufacturing Industry
Nature's Way (US)
DSM (Europe)
NaturaLife (Asia)
The Products are all USFDA, FDA(Ph), HALAL, KOSHER and
GMP Sealed and portrays Unique Selling Propositions and
Effectiveness that in turn maintains the Customer Loyalty and
Product re-purchase.
Best in the Food Supplements Manufacturing Industry
Nature's Way (US)
DSM (Europe)
NaturaLife (Asia)
The Products are all USFDA, FDA(Ph), HALAL, KOSHER and
GMP Sealed and portrays Unique Selling Propositions and
Effectiveness that in turn maintains the Customer Loyalty and
Product re-purchase.
The company also promotes Affordable Education through its
Transferable Scholarship Program, in cooperation with over 500
Schools. Giving 20% to 100% Tuition Fee Discounts
at a low Maintaining Grade as low as 75(passing grade).
Transferable Scholarship Program, in cooperation with over 500
Schools. Giving 20% to 100% Tuition Fee Discounts
at a low Maintaining Grade as low as 75(passing grade).
The distribution force of Alliance in Motion Global are all
encouraged to be Well-Trained Professional Network Marketers.
Continuous Training Seminars are held twice daily in its Head
office and Business Center offices Worldwide.
encouraged to be Well-Trained Professional Network Marketers.
Continuous Training Seminars are held twice daily in its Head
office and Business Center offices Worldwide.
Every distributor is inspired, uplifted and taught well during these
seminars to keep them educated in terms of the business they
are doing and to keep them going strong during days of
hardships especially for the newbloods in this industry.
In this Aspect, Why AIM Global?
seminars to keep them educated in terms of the business they
are doing and to keep them going strong during days of
hardships especially for the newbloods in this industry.
In this Aspect, Why AIM Global?
In Summary, in selecting an MLM/NM company, it is Best to
choose AIM Global
choose AIM Global
Best Exclusive Products with Unique Selling Proposition
Upcoming Billion Peso Company
Fastest Growing MLM Company
Pro Distributor Marketing Company (according to DTI)
Top 1000 Taxpaying Corporation in the Philippines (according to
Most Trending MLM Company in Asia (according to Google
ALIVE Foundation Philippines
ALIVE Foundation Africa
Company with a Heart
Promotes Health, Education and Weath
Promotes Positive Mindset
Promotes Helping Business
Boosts Morale
Gives you the Chance to Achieve your Dreams at the Fastest
Possible Time!!!
Upcoming Billion Peso Company
Fastest Growing MLM Company
Pro Distributor Marketing Company (according to DTI)
Top 1000 Taxpaying Corporation in the Philippines (according to
Most Trending MLM Company in Asia (according to Google
ALIVE Foundation Philippines
ALIVE Foundation Africa
Company with a Heart
Promotes Health, Education and Weath
Promotes Positive Mindset
Promotes Helping Business
Boosts Morale
Gives you the Chance to Achieve your Dreams at the Fastest
Possible Time!!!
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