Alternative Food for Stroke
1. Beans and Other Foods Rich in Folate
Beans aren't just good for your heart; they're also good for protecting your brain. That's because they're rich in the B vitamin folate (a.k.a. folic acid). According to a 20-year study of nearly 10,000 adults, eating a diet rich in folate lowers the risk of stroke by 20 percent. Here's more intriguing evidence: Researchers who looked at the number of strokes in the United States before and after food manufacturers began fortifying flour with folic acid to prevent birth defects found 10 to 15 percent fewer stroke deaths in the three years after fortification began than in the three years before.
2. Oats, Almonds and Soy
Have you discovered soy milk or edamame — young green soybeans, great in soups and salads or eaten right out of their pods — yet? These are three of the foods that make up a cholesterol-lowering regimen known as the Portfolio Eating Plan, developed by researchers in Toronto. When eaten as part of a total diet that's low in saturated fat, this combination of foods appears to reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels by 28 percent, almost as much as a statin drug does.
3. Antioxidants
One reason fruits and vegetables are so helpful against stroke is that they're such good sources of antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation and prevent plaque build-up in the arteries. They also improve blood flow by helping blood vessels dilate.
4. Foods Rich in Potassium
Here's a great reason to pack a banana with your lunch: Bananas are loaded with potassium, and experts think one of the reasons the DASH Diet works so well is that it provides plenty of this mineral. Research shows that eating a diet low in potassium (less than 1.5 grams a day) increases stroke risk by 28 percent. The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study found that participants who ate nine daily servings of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables, like potatoes, prunes, and raisins, as well as the foods listed above, lowered their stroke risk by 38 per cent compared to people who ate just four servings daily.
5. Low-Fat Milk
If you've stopped drinking milk, it may be time to start again. There's an excellent reason that low-fat and fat-free dairy foods are mainstays of the DASH Diet — they're good sources of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, all of which naturally lower blood pressure. Indeed, a study of men in Puerto Rico found that hypertension was half as prevalent among milk drinkers as among those who didn't drink it. So it makes sense that if milk (and dairy foods) lowers blood pressure, it would also reduce the risk of stroke. In fact, a 22-year study of more than 3,100 Japanese men in the Honolulu Heart Study found that those who drank at least two 8-ounce glasses of milk a day had half the risk of stroke compared to non-milk drinkers.
6. Magnesium-Rich Foods Like Barley and Cornmeal
The same study that found that potassium-rich foods decreased stroke risk also showed that a diet higher in magnesium-rich foods reduced risk by 30 percent, even if you don't have high blood pressure.
7. Salmon and Other Fatty Fish
You know it's good for your heart, so you should be eating fish like salmon anyway. If you are, you're probably protecting yourself from stroke. For starters, by eating more fish, you're automatically eating less red meat and processed meats like sausage, hotdogs, bacon, or lunchmeat, and that means you're eating less arterty-clogging saturated fat.
It's also possible that the omega-3 fats in fish like tuna, mackerel, and salmon also improve blood flow by reducing inflammation in the arteries and making blood less likely to clot. A 12-year study done at Harvard Medical School of nearly 5,000 adults age 65 and older found that eating fish one to four times a week lowered stroke risk by 27 per cent.
It's also possible that the omega-3 fats in fish like tuna, mackerel, and salmon also improve blood flow by reducing inflammation in the arteries and making blood less likely to clot. A 12-year study done at Harvard Medical School of nearly 5,000 adults age 65 and older found that eating fish one to four times a week lowered stroke risk by 27 per cent.
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1. Acute and Chronic Diarrhea 2. Allergic Rhinitis 3. Amenorrhea 4. Anemia 5. Atopic Dermatitis 6. Atopic vaginitis 7. Benign prostatic hypertrophy 8. Beri- Beri 9. Bone Fracture 10. Brain Tumor 11. Bronchial Asthma 12. Bronchitis 13. Burns 14. CANCER AND TUMOR FORMATION 15. Cataract 16. CERVICAL CANCER 17. CHOLELITHIASIS GALLSTONES 18. Colitis 19. Colon prolapsed and bowel pockets 20. Conjunctivitis 21. Conjunctivitis 22. CONSTIPATION 23. Cough 24. CYST 25. Deafness of old age 26. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 27. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 28. Dysmenorrhea 29. Dyspepsia 30. Ecopora 31. Edema 32. Endometriosis 33. Enteritis – swelling intestines 34. Epilepsy 35. GASTRO-ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX disease 36. Gingivitis 37. Glaucoma 38. Goiter 39. GOUT 40. Halitosis 41. HEART DISEASE AND Complication 42. Hepatitis 43. Hypercholesterolemia 44. Hyperlipidemia 45. HYPERTENSION 46. Immunodeficiency 47. Insomnia 48. Kidney diseases 49. Laryngitis 50. Leucorrhea 51. LIVER CIRRHOSIS 52. LOW SPERM COUNT 53. Mental Tiredness 54. MIGRAINE 55. Muscle and nerve pain 56. Muscular Degeneration 57. Muscular Dystrophy 58. MYOMA 59. Nephrolithiasis 60. Neuralgia 61. Neuromuscular Disorder 62. OSTEOARTHRITIS 63. Osteoporosis 64. Pancreatitis 65. Paralysis 66. Parasitism 67. Patients with debilitating disease 68. Pharyngitis 69. Piles after operation 70. Piles-external swelling 71. Pre menopausal Syndrome 72. Prolapsed of the stomach 73. Psoriasis 74. Rectal Tumor 75. Respiratory Infections 76. Rheumatic Heart Fever 77. Rheumatoid Arthritis 78. Scurvy 79. Shortness of breath in children 80. Sinusitis 81. Skin rash 82. Skin ulcer 83. Spinal diseases 84. STROKE 85. Systemic Lupus Erythromatosus 86. Tendonitis 87. Thrombosis 88. Thyroid Problem 89. Tinnitus 90. Tonsilitis 91. Toxic blood and Acidosis 92. Toxins in the body 93. Trichomonas Vaginalis 94. Ulcerative Colitis 95. Underweight and Malnutrition 96. Urethritis 97. Vaginitis 98. Varicose veins 99. Vertigo 100. Weakness of the lower leg
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